- Indonesia, Inggris
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Teaching English Based on Cultural Coastal Tourism is an innovative guidebook that bridges language learning with the vibrant world of cultural and coastal tourism. This book introduces a unique approach to teaching English by integrating authentic local contexts, focusing on the traditions, stories, and livelihoods of coastal communities.
The book offers practical strategies for educators to design engaging lessons that not only enhance students’ language skills but also deepen their appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of coastal areas. It covers topics such as developing tourism-specific vocabulary, creating interactive activities, and utilizing storytelling as a powerful tool for language acquisition.
#10 Buku Terbitan Terbaru
Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan
Teaching English Based on Cultural Coastal Tourism is an innovative guidebook that bridges language learning with the vibrant world of cultural and coastal tourism. This book introduces a unique approach to teaching English by integrating authentic local contexts, focusing on the traditions, stories, and livelihoods of coastal communities.
The book offers practical strategies for educators to design engaging lessons that not only enhance students’ language skills but also deepen their appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of coastal areas. It covers topics such as developing tourism-specific vocabulary, creating interactive activities, and utilizing storytelling as a powerful tool for language acquisition.
#10 Buku Terbitan Terbaru
Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan
Teaching English Based on Cultural Coastal Tourism is an innovative guidebook that bridges language learning with the vibrant world of cultural and coastal tourism. This book introduces a unique approach to teaching English by integrating authentic local contexts, focusing on the traditions, stories, and livelihoods of coastal communities.
The book offers practical strategies for educators to design engaging lessons that not only enhance students’ language skills but also deepen their appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of coastal areas. It covers topics such as developing tourism-specific vocabulary, creating interactive activities, and utilizing storytelling as a powerful tool for language acquisition.
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Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan merupakan lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Sosial.
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Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan merupakan lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Sosial.
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Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan merupakan lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Sosial.
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